As seen in Mens Fitness, Oprah Magazine, The New York Times

50-Year Old Muscle-Building Secret Rediscovered, Re-Engineered, And Proven By Modern Science To Build More Muscle In 50% Of The Time...

Introducing "T.N.B. TURBO": Ultra Time-Efficient Superset Training To Build Muscle and Burn Fat Faster

Dear friend,

If you're like most busy people who want more muscle, and you heard about a training method that could cut your gym time in half while giving you the same gains (or even better gains), I'm guessing you'd want to hear more...

But I'm also guessing you'd be skeptical - and I wouldn't blame you, because the market is flooded with quick fix exercise programs that are nothing but scams.

However, the fact is...

An amazing breakthrough in muscle-building efficiency was made decades ago, so while it's not really new, it never fully caught on in the mainstream...

This "Hidden" Tactic Has Always Remained A "Best Kept Secret" Of Bodybuilders And Physique Athletes... Until Now

The history of this technique in bodybuilding goes all the way back to the competitive prime of Arnold Schwarzenegger (the 1970s) and even earlier. Robert Kennedy, the late publisher of Muscle Mag International said he invented his version of this method in 1967.

Arthur Jones was also promoting this training concept in the 1970s, in fact, many of his machine designs that ultimately became the Nautilus equipment company were created specifically for this training style.

It's well documented in many books exactly how Arnold used this method, long before any of the modern scientific studies were done. He built the best arms, chest and back the bodybuilding world had ever seen to that point using this very same training method. His success was no accident, he simply figured out intuitively what was working ages before the scientists confirmed it.

I've been using these methods myself since the 1980s, as a bodybuilder, but all the brand new research pouring out of universities and exercise physiology labs in recent years re-captured my attention so much, I decided to re-visit this "old" technique.

My goal in developing this system was to re-engineer a classic training method in a new and practical way that regular busy people (who are not bodybuilders) can easily use.

This new program I created, based on the classic, and now scientifically-proven superset technique, is called "T.N.B. TURBO."

"TNB-TURBO Training": A Powerful New Way To Get More Results In Less Time

One of the biggest challenges most people face today is finding the time to train consistently.

Most people make it worse with an "all or nothing" mindset. If they believe it takes an hour or even two per workout, or five to six workouts a week to gain muscle, they tend to tell themselves, "I don't have that much time, and if I can't do the program 'right,' I might as well do nothing at all."

The truth is, any training is better than no training. Fifteen or twenty minutes working on a few basic lifts may not give you optimal muscle gains, but it will give you some solid results you can see and feel. The good news is that it's possible to get close to optimal results in as little as thirty to forty minutes once you understand training efficiency techniques.

It's a scientific fact that you need a certain amount of volume (multiple exercises and sets) to gain muscle close to the optimal rate, and there's a linear relationship between volume and muscle gains - but only up to a point.

After hitting a certain effective dose point, doing more isn't always better, and any extra gains from all that extra time come at a much slower rate of return.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is to get away from thinking that more is always better or you must train for hours a day, five or six days a week to get good results. Maybe those long hours are necessary if you want to win Mr. or Miss Olympia, but for the rest of us, it's not efficient or practical and for most regular people, it will actually lead to overtraining.

When you use weight training efficiency techniques, you can achieve the optimum practical dose in a shockingly modest amount of time with almost no risk of physical and mental burnout.

There are many claims made for quick workout systems on the market today, but most of them promise more than they can deliver.

Which time efficiency training system works the best and has the most real world and scientific proof? There's no contest - it's supersets!

The New Body Turbo (TNB Turbo) Scientific studies

"Supersets can enhance training efficiency and reduce training time. These methods could also be used as a form of metabolic conditioning."

The effects of traditional, superset, and tri-set resistance training structures on perceived intensity and physiological responses. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 117.

"The results of this study indicate that the relatively shorter rest intervals used between antagonist paired supersets might be more effective to elicit greater repetition enhancement and muscle activation."

Effect of different rest intervals between antagonist paired (super) sets on performance and muscle activation, Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research, 28(9).

If You Can Lift Three or Four Days A Week, You Can Make Amazing Gains With This Fast Training Style

T.N.B. is the acronym for "The New Body." I chose this name because you will have a completely new body after doing this workout! I'll explain what the TURBO part means in a minute.

TNB workouts refer to a specific type of schedule: TNB uses a two-day split - an upper body day and a lower body plus abs day. Four days a week of lifting on a two-day split where each muscle is worked twice a week - this became one of the hallmarks of TNB workouts.

This means you only have to lift four days a week, instead of the typical five or six that hardcore bodybuilders usually follow. For people who are ultra busy, excellent results can still be achieved with only three workouts a week. If you can do a short weight lifting workout three or (ideally) four days a week, you can make great gains on this plan.

This technique is a near-miracle for busy people who want great workouts but lack the time for traditional bodybuilding sessions (which work great, but typically take 70 minutes, 90 minutes or even more). Not only are the workouts short, you don't have to be in the gym every day.

But the TNB weekly training schedule isn't the "secret sauce" behind the time-efficient muscle growth - I'll reveal that part below. This is simply a practical training schedule that most people can follow. It works for anyone at any age - male or female - who wants more muscle but is not necessarily trying to be a bodybuilder.

Not Just An Occasional Superset To Build A Stubborn Muscle - A 100% Superset Program (Gets You Finished FAST!)

Bodybuilders have used supersets for decades, but they usually use the technique to occasionally to blast a lagging body part (specialization training) or they use supersets to increase their training volume. Either way, that means advanced bodybuilding superset programs are still long workouts.

This is another reason why most people are making a mistake trying to emulate the superset workouts of the pros, and why a newer, more modern superset training system has been desperately needed.

TNB TURBO is a weight training system that uses nothing but supersets - no straight sets at all - and the workouts are short but effective, in a dose the average person can handle (physically as well as from a practical point of view).

So what is a superset? Here's the definition:

A superset is two exercises in a row with little or no rest in between, then a normal rest break before the next superset. Some exercise scientists call it "paired set training."

Supersetting is a form of "high-density training" or HDT, which means using efficiency techniques that let you do the same work in less time or more work in the same time. By doing all your exercises in superset pairs and cutting the rest periods between each pair, that's how you slash the length of your workouts.

Make sure you don't confuse this with circuit training. We are not trying to cut rest intervals through the whole workout - that's turning weight lifting into cardio, and that can kill your strength and muscle growth.

Superset training is doing exercises in pairs. You do exercise A, then with little or no rest, exercise B, then you take a normal rest break of a minute or two, and then do it over again. This lets you keep using moderate and even heavy weights.

Superset Training: Time Efficiency Without Muscle-Building Compromise

Superset training is a bona-fide time-efficiency training breakthrough because it's not just efficient, it's effective.

There are other ways to shorten your workouts, but most of them force you to compromise:

For example, you might be told to switch to circuit training which is like doing cardio with light weights. I'm not knocking that because circuits can be great for conditioning and fat loss, but then it's no longer as effective for building muscle and it hardly builds any real strength at all.

Another option is doing a minimalist full body program with only a handful of basic compound lifts, where you cut your workout time in half, and build some strength, but you have to settle for fractional muscle building results - maybe 70% to 80% of the gains if you're lucky. That's not a bad trade-off for a small time investment, which is why I always say any lifting is better than no lifting, but we can do better.

The ultimate high-efficiency weight training program for body transformation would get you in and out of the gym faster, but still work every muscle in your body and still give you the same results, or even more results in less time. Superset training can do that.

How long do the workouts take? It depends.

Using traditional methods, workouts like this would take 70 to 90 minutes. Using TNB TURBO superset methods, most people do these workouts in 35 to 45 minutes. But people with good conditioning and a preference for fast-paced training have finished in as little as 25 minutes.

The New Body Turbo (TNB Turbo) Scientific studies

"Four supersets. Eight exercises. All done in less than 25 1/2 minutes. For me the supersets are a no-brainer. I have a busy daily schedule but can fit in a workout if I know it's not going to mess up my day."

- Paul

"Thank you Tom for this workout! I did 3 sets of everything and it only took me a total of 30 minutes."


"The second superset (compound antagonist superset) completely and totally KICKED MY BUTT!" I needed the full rest period after the second exercise, but Lower Body Strength & Muscle still only took me 40 minutes."


"My workout took me 38 mins. At first I tried to I tried to watch the clock to time the rest intervals, but I ended up using your "auto-regulation" technique (going by feel, which makes it easy)."


All Supersets Work... Some Supersets Work Like Magic!

There are many types of supersets including same muscle supersets, antagonist pair supersets and staggered supersets to name a few.

Every type of superset is time efficient.

That benefit alone makes this a great technique for busy people. What makes it even better is the way supersetting can build the same muscle in less time, or in certain cases, even more muscle in less time.

Studies have shown that some types of supersets can increase performance and results in less time.

When you look at the structure of superset workouts, where rest intervals are cut out at a specific place between pairs of exercises, you realize where the time savings comes from. Plus, you don't have to take anyone else's word for it - you'll be able to measure how much time you save for yourself after your very first workout.

It's this idea of building more muscle with shorter workouts that's unexpected, counter-intuitive, even unbelievable.

Yet researchers have discovered that antagonist pair supersets working opposite muscles (like biceps and triceps, hamstrings and quads, or chest and back) enhance repetition performance, load volume and muscle activation.

Even more surprising, longer rest intervals between paired exercises seem to cancel this effect.

In other words, when you do certain types of supersets, they are actually more effective when you do them quickly with less rest in between. I know it sounds strange, that a shorter workout can be more effective, but it's true - the proof is printed right there in the research studies.

The New Body Turbo (TNB Turbo) Scientific research

"Compared with traditional sets, antagonist-agonist paired sets produced a greater training volume in less time and may induce greater fatigue and thereby provide an enhanced training stimulus."

Volume load and neuromuscular fatigue during an acute bout of agonist-antagonist paired-set vs. traditional-set training, Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research, 31(10).

"Paired set training was determined to be more efficient (volume load/time) compared to traditional sets. Practitioners wishing to maximize work completed per unit of time may be well advised to consider paired set training."

The Effect of An Upper Body Agonist-Antagonist Resistance Training Protocol on Volume Load And Efficiency, Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research, 24(10).

Keep in mind that superset training is not just for time-pressed executives or busy parents, supersets were originally invented by legendary bodybuilders and are still embraced by savvy bodybuilders today.

TNB TURBO workouts are not simply "conditioning" or fitness workouts designed to get your heart rate up or burn calories.

While TNB TURBO is not an advanced bodybuilding program, these are serious workouts that build serious muscle and strength.

How 1 Extra "Tweak" TURBO-Charges An Already Effective Superset

Using regular supersets, it's not uncommon for people to slash their gym time from 70 to 90 minutes down to 45 to 50 minutes.

That's pretty efficient! But as I was developing this program, I wondered if there was a way to cut that down even more - maybe to 30 or 40 minutes - and still with no reduction in volume and no compromise in effectiveness.

After reading more than 30 studies related to superset training, and racking my brain, I started getting ideas on how to "turbo-charge" a superset even more. After experimenting in the gym for more than six months, I invented TNB-TURBO. The name TURBO was added to TNB because this new workout used all-new types of supersets that no one else is teaching.

The difference between an ordinary superset and a TURBO superset involves adding some clever new twists that cut out wasted time and make the workouts beyond efficient, this is ultra-efficient!

Here's the unique premise behind "TURBO Supersets":

Not only do you superset everything, whenever possible, you intentionally choose pairs of exercises that can be done back to back with an absolute minimum of rest (10 to 15 seconds or so), or even cut the rest close to zero in between each pair of exercises.

In ideal situations, if you match the paired exercises carefully (where your strength is equal), TURBO supersets will let you keep the same weight on the bar or keep the same pair of dumbbells and move from the first to the second exercise without even putting the weights down!

For example, you sit on the edge of a flat bench and do a set of seated dumbbell curls and then without even setting those dumbbells down, you lie back on the bench and do a set of lying dumbbell tricep extensions. It's not just a superset, it's a TURBO superset, and that one little tactic gives you the ultimate in time efficiency (while packing on the muscle!)  

The Next Level Of Superset Training

Another way to TURBO charge a superset is to look for places where you can do a pair of exercises at the same station or using the same machine:

For example, on the Smith machine (a multi-purpose piece of equipment), you can do a set of bench presses, then stand up and do bent over rows (that's a compound antagonist pair superset - the most effective kind possible). Forget what any critics say about machines - for doing TURBO workouts in a crowded gym, the Smith machine is your friend.

Some machines are built with a dual purpose. That's what Arthur Jones did back in the Nautilus equipment era. For example, have you ever seen the assisted pull-up and dip machine? Even if you can't do a pull up with your body weight, the machine will assist you with pull-ups, then without any rest, you can superset directly to dips, without getting off the machine. (almost no rest between antagonist exercises).

Yet another example: The leg press. With regular straight set training, you do a set of leg presses then do nothing for a few minutes. What if you did calf presses in between leg presses? (staggered superset). You don't even have to get off the machine!

If you want muscle-building efficiency and effectiveness (both, not one or the other), superset training is the ultimate way to get it, with the least compromise. TNB TURBO training has just taken superset training to the next level.

Finally: The Fix To The Crowded Gym Versus Training Efficiency Problem

After I released the original TNB superset workout, I instantly started getting great feedback, but I also heard this complaint: "I can't superset in the gym because the equipment isn't available and people steal my weights if I walk away from them, or they tell me it's bad etiquette to hog up two pieces of equipment."

People training at home were actually doing better with the time-efficiency aspect of superset workouts because not only did home trainees eliminate commute time, they had their gym to themselves and could move between exercises immediately.

If you take too much time between a pair of exercises, you lose the efficiency benefit, the metabolic-stress, and the enhanced muscle stimulation benefits of doing two antagonist exercises back to back.

If you have to cross the gym to switch from one machine to another, it could take 30 to 40 seconds or more before starting the second exercise. That's not a superset - that's like doing a straight set with a short rest interval in between.

If you have to wait minutes for equipment to open up in a crowded gym (or if someone steals the machine or weights you were just using), then even if you're alternating exercises, that's not supersetting either, and it's not efficient training at all.

Solving this gym training problem was part of the inspiration for developing the latest version of TNB TURBO workouts.

After hearing so many people moan legitimately about their gym troubles (crowds), combined with limitations of home training (less equipment), that's when I first decided to create the TURBO program based on: 1. Minimal rest supersets and, 2. Specific exercise and equipment choices.

In TNB TURBO, almost every pair of exercises is chosen carefully so you can do two exercises in a row almost non stop, even in a crowded gym, because you stay at the same machine or station or you use the same barbell or dumbbells.

It would limit your exercise choices if you did this all of the time, so not all supersets in TNB TURBO use the same machine or weight, but the majority of TURBO supersets are set up for a quick or instant transition to the second exercise.

You can even "go off the script" and customize your exercises based on what equipment you have available, which machines are close together or what machines are multi-purpose at your gym. (Once you understand the TURBO superset principle, the methods you can use to apply the principle are many).

How To Put This Technique To Use Today And Start Gaining More Muscle, Fast

Tom Venuto's The New Body Turbo (TNB Turbo)

So now you know what regular supersets are and how they slash your workout time.

You know the history of supersets and see this method is time-tested.

You've also learned some new tricks for how to "TURBO-charge" supersets to make your training even more efficient, and get great workouts in as little as half the time.

And you've learned how scientific studies say certain types of supersets (antagonist pairs) can actually increase muscle growth and strength due to their unique reciprocal effects.

With what you've learned from reading this one page alone, you could go try supersetting at your next workout (at least test it out on two exercises) with no other changes to your training schedule, and start enjoying the benefits today.

However, I didn't want to simply write a few articles on general principles or theory alone.

I also didn't want to give just a handful of examples on a webpage or tips on my social media that would leave you wondering how to put it all together.

To make this practical means you need a complete workout system, schedule and plan.

A thorough training plan gives you the exercises (put together in the right superset pairs, in this case), the sets, reps, rest intervals, a calendar, a good periodization system, and a progression system.

That's exactly what I've created for you, and this complete deluxe TNB TURBO training system is now finally available for you to download it instantly.

What You Get In The Complete Deluxe TNB TURBO Program Package

  • You get the TNB TURBO training manual (55 pages), which teaches you superset training principles and explains every aspect of the program.
  • You get the TNB FAQ, which is included in the training manual (and you can just email me if you have any questions that are not in the FAQ).
  • You get the TNB TURBO Exercise guide (54 pages). The exercise guide manual teaches you 16 exercises per phase (that's 48 exercises total) - plus it includes alternate choices if you don't have equipment or if your exercise preferences are different.
  • You get TNB TURBO Training logsheets in EXCEL and PDF format (so you can print and even over-write them with customizations)
  • You get the TNB TURBO Quick start guide (3 pages). Read the quick start guide (in just minutes), grab the first workout log sheet, and you could start gaining muscle with this program literally today!
  • You get a TNB TURBO Training calendar (2 pages). See your weekly training schedule at a glance, plus see how each entire 7-week phase is mapped out for you before you even begin.
  • You get 21 weeks worth of TNB TURBO workouts! You're getting a training plan that will last you 21 weeks... plus it's split into three completely different 7-week phases.
  • Each 7 week TNB TURBO training phase is unique... this means you get new exercises, so you'll never get bored, and your body won't adapt or hit a plateau.
  • You can do just 7 weeks, 14 weeks, or the whole 21 weeks in a row, if you choose... you can also change the order or mix and match workouts into unique new combinations.


The New Body Turbo (TNB Turbo) Home workout training program

TNB TURBO workouts have been designed specifically for maximum time efficiency, even if you train in a crowded gym at peak hours.

What if you don't train in a gym? What if you don't have much equipment? No problem.

With the TNB TURBO complete deluxe package, you also get the complete TNB HOME program as an added bonus.

This includes a downloadable manual with three different training plans you can do at home with nothing but dumbbells, barbells, and a bench. You can even do it with just dumbbells and your body weight alone.

Although most people won't have access to as many exercise options when training at home, as long as you have free weights (barbells and dumbbells, or at least a full set of dumbbells), you can use the same TNB TURBO system.

When doing TNB TURBO training at home, another plus is that you can zip through the workouts with the absolute maximum in time efficiency because no one is ever in your way.

This means NO gym membership is needed. No online membership is needed either - you can download this whole package instantly and do it all on your own (joining our Inner Circle here is totally optional - if you want community and coaching).

"Hi Tom. I recently purchased your TNB TURBO program and I love it! I'm doing the home version - as I just invested in some new equipment. I really enjoy the superset workouts this time of year when things are a bit busier. The workouts are efficient and effective - I still feel the burn in half the time! Thanks for a great program! "

- Kathy Grant

What If Your Primary Goal Is Fat Loss, Not Muscle Gain?

Superset training has been proven in scientific studies to be highly effective for building muscle. And at the same time, superset workouts like TNB TURBO are metabolically demanding, making them a superior choice when your number one goal is fat loss.

Without the right weight training, you will lose muscle when you diet (in a calorie deficit) for fat loss.

With the right weight training, you'll keep all your muscle while you burn the fat at the same time, so when the fat comes off, you will have a sculpted, rock-solid physique underneath to show the whole world... (if you work hard, you might even gain muscle while you lose fat!)

"I love TNB TURBO! did all 3 phases of TNB TURBO, and since I started, I lost 21 pounds of fat and kept all my lean body mass. This workout is metabolically stimulating and the name 'TURBO' is well-used."

- Dylan Brobst

"How Much Does It Cost?"

The current price is the best news of all!

You might think TNB TURBO would be priced at a premium, and in all honesty, it really should be, when you consider everything you get - the training manual, exercise guide, logsheets, and if you count the TNB HOME Bonus workouts, that means you have up to 42 weeks of training programs!

That's not to mention all the time you'll save, and time is the most valuable thing we have.

If you wanted to hire a good personal trainer to give you your workouts, it would probably cost $70 to $90 for a single one-hour session. The best trainers, especially in big cities or high-end clubs would cost you $100 to $120 per hour, or even more.

For an hour long skype or phone consultation with me, it would cost you $250.00. And if you wanted personal coaching from me, the investment would be $1995 for 12 weeks, if I were even taking on new clients.

But for TNB TURBO, you won't pay $1995, you won't pay $250, you won't even pay $90.

I wanted to set the price so it was even less than what a single session with a personal trainer would cost. That's why the regular price of the T.N.B. TURBO program is only $47!

100% Burn the fat guarantee

100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!

Because you get a 100% satisfaction or money back guarantee, you can order now and try the program with no risk for a full 8 weeks.

That's plenty of time to read the manual (or the quick start guide if you want to start ASAP), and finish an entire 7-week block of training to see for yourself how much time you save, how much muscle you build and how much you will enjoy these workouts.

If you've tried the strategies and you find they don't save you a ton of time, if they don't work brilliantly for you, or if you're not satisfied with the program for any reason at all, you can ask for a prompt, courteous, no-questions-asked refund.

Simply e-mail us from the contact form on this website, and we will refund every penny you invested, no questions asked.

Download It Instantly And Start Gaining Muscle Today

The T.N.B. TURBO program is not available in any bookstores and is published exclusively in a digital (PDF document) format. (No physical products are shipped).

That means you can download it almost instantly right after you order, and start gaining more muscle today.

Tom Venuto

Enjoy your new gains as you use this program, and I'll look forward to hearing about your results...

Train hard and expect success!

Tom Venuto,
Founder of Burn The Fat Inner Circle
Author of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM
Author of The BFFM Guide To Flexible Meal Planning For Fat Loss

To Order T.N.B. TURBO Now, Simply Click the Add To Cart Button Below

PS. Remember, all my products have a rock-solid money back guarantee, and this website uses a 100% secure and encrypted checkout page, so you can order with confidence.

The Most Frequently Asked Questions
About T.N.B. TURBO

Q: Is there a hardcopy / print version?

A: TNB TURBO is exclusively available in digital format, so it can be downloaded almost instantly, anywhere in the world with no shipping delay and no shipping costs. The program materials are provided in PDF format so they are 100% printable. No physical product is shipped.

Q: Does the program work as well for women as men?

A: Yes TNB TURBO is fantastic for women. Some women might even want to modify the program further. For example if extra emphasis on hips and glutes is desired, you're given options for exercise substitutions to work the exact trouble spots you want to tighten up the most.

Q: Does TNB TURBO include a cardio workout too? Is cardio mandatory?

A: TNB TURBO does include a recommended cardio program. It's a special type of HIIT cardio, designed to be time efficient. (just like TNB TURBO lifting). If you're naturally lean and your goal is gaining muscle mass, the cardio is optional, but still recommended for health and conditioning.

Q: What kind of home gym is required for the "HOME" version of TNB TURBO?

A: TNB TURBO HOME is designed for minimum equipment workouts in your own home. All you need is simple free weights - barbells, dumbbells and your own body weight (a bench is required for a handful of exercises too). You do not need a home gym machine (like a Bowflex, Tonal, functional trainer etc), but if you have one, that's great because it means you have even more exercises you can do.

Q: Does this include a diet plan?

A: No. TNB TURBO is not a diet program, it's a weight training program. If you need help with your nutrition, I recommend checking out The Guide To Flexible Meal Planning on The home Page here:

Q: Can you confirm that there are no other charges or hidden- costs beyond the $47?

A: Any applicable sales tax (or VAT taxes) are added in the shopping cart and you will see it before you finalize your order. (If sales tax is applicable, it might be approximately $3). Also, we always invite everyone to join our members-only community (the Inner Circle), but no membership is required - you can purchase TNB TURBO for $47 with no other charges, download the program and do it completely on your own. New customers may be eligible for other special product offers, but there's no obligation to buy anything else. Obviously, you're going to need a sensible diet plan (which is not included in this package), but NOTHING else is needed to make this muscle-building training system work.

Q: How can I be sure it's safe to order online from your website?

A: Our checkout page is on a secure server, we are a Clickbank-secure, trusted site (confirming our identity, location and virus-free status), Our publishing company is A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau of New Jersey (where our physical offices are located) and this "Burn the Fat" website has been trusted online since 2003 with a reputation for integrity. Click the yellow add to cart button below to place your secure order.

HOW PRODUCTS ARE DELIVERED: TNB TURBO is a digital product in PDF e-book format. You get instant access to the download page right after you place your order. Burn The Fat Inner Circle, an optional add-on, is a private membership website that is accessed online with a user name and password that you'll choose on a special offer page after you sign up. No physical products will be shipped.

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As seen in Mens Fitness, Oprah Magazine, The New York Times