Obesity Scientists At Brown University Confirmed it:
Bestselling Author’s New “Flexible Meal Planning" System Lets You Eat Anything You Want — Chocolate, Burgers, Cookies, Even Pizza — While You Lose Excess Fat and Keep It Off Forever
From: Tom Venuto, fat loss expert and #1 best-selling author as seen in Men's Fitness, Muscle And Fitness, And Oprah Magazine
Dear Friend,
Meal planning could be the most powerful fat loss technique ever invented...
IF you know the secret to doing it the right way.
When you plan your meals the right way, it can also be the best way to keep fat off.
That's crucial, because maintaining fat loss is the hardest part, not losing it. And if you've ever lost it and re-gained it, you know how frustrating that is.
The method you're about to discover on this web page is designed for permanent fat loss.
And the best part is, when you have the right system, you can burn fat while eating anything you want. Scientists have proven it, as you'll discover as you read on.
The problem is, almost everyone does meal planning wrong.
When you do it wrong, it not only doesn't work, but also, using the wrong meal plan is the exact reason you fail on your diet and fail at fat loss.
There's only one kind of meal plan that really works, and keeps on working... it's a plan that's customized and flexible.
The First Reason Almost All Meal Plans Fail - Not Customized
If you tried to follow a meal plan in the past and failed, one of the biggest reasons could be because it wasn't customized for you.
If you try to follow someone else's meal plan, that's obviously not customized - it's not yours.
It's tempting, almost a natural reaction, to look at someone else who had success at fat loss and want to copy what they did. Huge mistake!
When it comes to meal plans, copying someone else is a recipe for disaster.
And if you follow a meal plan out of a diet book, by definition that's not customized either. It's generic. It ouldn't possibly be a match for every reader.
Even if you buy a meal plan from a diet coach, it might be the same plan he gives all his clients. Coaches and "influencers" are notorious for this.
It's easy to get sucked into believing there's something magical about a plan from a guru or that they know "secrets" you don't.
The truth is, generic meal plans fail 99% of the time. A plan only works if it's crafted from scratch just for you.
That means considering your age, gender, height, weight, activity, and goals.
The plan also has to include foods you like.
This is another way the diet industry has failed you: diet gurus don't care what foods you like.
Diet gurus want you to believe there's magic in certain "good" foods they allow.
They're also fear mongers. They want to scare you into avoiding certain "bad" foods they tell you are "forbidden."
Here's What The Diet Industry
Doesn't Want You To Know...
The "magic" is in eating the foods you enjoy eating.
In fact, if you don't customize your meal plan by including the foods you like, you're going to fail eventually.
The way you make sure customization works is with macro-based meal planning. Macro is short for macronutrient and there are three of them: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Figure out the right macro numbers for your body and follow a meal plan based on those numbers, made up from foods you like, and fat will fall right off.
But I'm not saying you should eat any type of food, regardless of how processed it is. Some people might tell you, "It Fits Your Macros" then eat it. Wrong.
Naturally, you should eat unprocessed food most of the time to nourish your body and stay healthy.
What I'm saying is that doing meal planning right means there are no forbidden foods.
If you follow these guidelines and also eat based on macros at the same time, you can eat anything you want. And you should, because that's customized nutrition and this is one of the hidden keys to fat loss.
"I love this meal planning system! It is a scientific, common-sense approach that can help anyone create a sustainable eating plan for life without fads, gimmicks, or unnecessary food restrictions. It has given me the knowledge to eat healthy as a lifestyle – it’s not a temporary diet. It’s so customizable, that I can’t imagine ever needing any other plan." - Kelly Kleppin |
The Second - And Biggest - Reason Almost All Diets And Meal Plans Fail: Too Strict (Not Flexible)
The second mistake most people make that leads to fat loss failure is a dangerous one. Dangerous to your physical health, dangerous to your mental health, and dangerous to your social health: The mistake is rigid dieting.
Ever notice that strict diets can make people act weird?

I used to be that guy. You know the one. Water packed tuna straight outta of the can. Bland chicken breast after chicken breast. Brown rice, plain. Microwaved broccoli, plain.
Before bodybuilding competitions, it was more like just chicken and broccoli. Not even much rice. Those carbs got dropped.
At the gym where I worked, co-workers and members thought I was part robot. Or just "plain" crazy...
They'd watch me choke down my bland meals like clockwork every three hours.
"What do you put on that Tom?"
"Nothing. I eat it plain."
But here's where the real crazy came out.
I was at this fitness seminar in DC with some industry friends. We hit up a restaurant for lunch. (Already breaking my strict "always pack-your-meals" rule).
The waiter brings me a turkey salad. Looks harmless enough, right?
Wrong. It had croutons in it. White flour processed carb. And cheese. I was sure it had to be full-fat cheese too.
What did I do? I turned into a human sorting machine. Picking out every single crouton one at a time like they were tiny bombs.
But the cheese situation was beyond salvaging. The little shreds were everywhere. So I did what any completely rational person would do...
I spoke four words, "I can't eat this," ditched my friends, and ran to the nearest mini-mart to buy cans of tuna fish.
My friends probably thought I needed counseling. Maybe they weren't wrong.
There's a mental disorder called orthorexia. That's where someone is obsessed with healthy food (or in my case, bodybuilding food) to a unhealthy level.
Looking back now, I realize how socially dysfunctional that was.
Do I regret all that insane dieting I did back in the bodybuilding competition days? Not entirely. After all, it won me a roomful of trophies.
This is the painful part: Now that I'm older and wiser, I realize I could have gotten the same results without the suffering...
All my food paranoia was unnecessary.
Today I eat anything I want. Burgers. Ice cream. Chocolate. And yes cheese. Lots of cheese. And I still have my abs, and I still bodybuild, I just don't do competitions anymore.
You see, I discovered a secret that changed everything...
Fat loss isn't about eating 100% "clean" foods or banishing entire food groups... and research has proven it.
Science Confirms Being Too Rigid With Your Diet Makes You Fail

On top of being less effective for fat loss, obesity scientists have found that being too strict or having all or nothing attitudes about food makes you vulnerable to:
- Binge eating (and fat gain)
- Body image problems
- Full-blown eating disorders
- Preoccupation with food
- Anxiety in social situations involving food
But there's good news...
The same researchers uncovered evidence that being flexible (the opposite of rigid), helps you:
- Lose more fat
- Keep the fat off
- Restore a healthy relationship with food
- Improve family and social relationships
- And actually enjoy your life while doing it
Proof That Being Less Strict On Your Diet Burns More Fat (And Keeps You Sane)
- A study from the Australian Catholic University psychology department (Linardon et al) confirmed it. Flexible dieting helps men and women stop binge eating and helps fix body image disorders.
- And another study by a team of PhDs and registered dietitians published in the Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology (Berg et al) made this encouraging discovery: flexible dieting helps older women and even obese older women lose more fat!
- Research from New Zealand (Helms et al) studied young male bodybuilders dieting for competition. With a flexible plan, the men were able to get “shredded” without crashing their metabolism or harming their mental and social health.
Yes, even jacked and ripped bodybuilders are using this method now... If it works for these formerly obsessive "bros" (like me), it will work for anyone.
There are many more studies like the three I mentioned above... Flexible dieting has now been researched for over two decades. But...
One Study Sent Shockwaves Through The Weight Loss World

At Brown University in Providence Rhode Island, there’s a three-story building called the Weight Control And Diabetes Research Center.
Inside, works a team of more than 50 researchers, psychologists, dieticians, exercise physiologists, and neuroscientists.
The center specializes in behavioral approaches to weight loss (the mindset stuff). More than 600 peer-reviewed studies have come out of this renowned facility.
The director, Dr. Rena Wing, along with her colleagues, knew that the biggest problem is not taking fat off, it's keeping fat off.
So she designed a study where one group was told to be strict all the time. They were told to avoid 13 foods, including things like cheese, burgers, cakes, and pastries.
A second group was given the same instructions, but then told to BREAK their diet for two weeks.
The researchers were trying to get people to go off their diet and regain weight on purpose so they could study relapse and how to get back on the wagon. After breaking the diet, you’d expect the subjects in group two to blow up like balloons. (That was literally their hypothesis).
But something weird happened instead...
These "diet breakers" didn't regain fat during the diet break! And then they easily got right back on the wagon.
By the end of the whole study, the group that ate all those tasty treats lost just as much fat as the strict dieters, but they got to eat burgers, cheese, and cake along the way.
Lesson: The strict dieters suffered for nothing.... just like I did. All that time saying no to cake... wasted.
The scientists had accidentally discovered "Flexible Dieting."
"The main finding of this study was that participants in a weight loss program were able to take multiple breaks in behavioral adherence without adverse effects on continued adherence to the program or overall weight loss." Rena Wing, Weight Control and Diabetes Research Center, Brown Medical School |
I'm a science nerd, but sometimes, I love when scientists are wrong...
Especially when they're trying to make people gain weight and fail miserably at it.
But now you might have some questions. Like...
How Is It Possible To Eat Burgers, Cake, And Chocolate And Keep Burning Fat?

Scientists and psychologists explain it like this:
By trying to diet too strictly, aiming for perfection, and having all or none beliefs about food, you shoot yourself in the foot.
Unless you have an allergy, intolerance, or auto-immune disorder, there's no reason for forbidden foods. Ban them and you'll simply want them more... because it's a psychological law that you tend to crave what you're not allowed to have...
If I tell you not to think about pink elephants, what's the first thing you think about? Pink elephants, right?
Psychologists call this "ironic rebound."
That's why you should never look at foods as "good" or "bad."
If you make that mistake and then lapse and indulge in the so-called "bad" foods, your first reaction is guilt and self-criticism.
You beat yourself up and say, "I can't believe I did that! What is wrong with me? Why don't I have any willpower?"
Instead of forgiving yourself and moving past it, you mull over it. You replay the experience in your head, and continue to feel bad and berate yourself more.
The worse you feel, the more susceptible you are to another lapse, because your brain doesn't want to feel bad. To feel good again, your mind subconsciously guides you back to comfort.
And guess where you get that comfort? You guessed it - more food. After a second slip-up, you feel even worse than the first time. You get trapped in a vicious cycle... Starve... Binge... Starve... Binge.
Now consider the opposite - being flexible...
When you allow treats on purpose, you don't feel like you're blowing your diet. You don't feel guilty. Why? Because those foods were part of your plan from the beginning. (That's why you shouldn't call it a "cheat meal" either. If it's part of your plan, it's not cheating).
Flexible dieting breaks the cycle of bingeing because allowing your favorite foods is like a release valve.
Without a release, pressure builds and builds and builds until you burst in a binge.
Bottom line: Science and psychology have proven for over two decades that flexible dieting works, and now you can see why it works.
But you have to be smart about how you do it. Eating anything you want, as much as you want, whenever you want is NOT flexible dieting. That's lack of restraint.
There must be some boundaries and guidelines. There must be some strategy. You need a system to apply flexible dieting.
That's what's been missing even to this day... so that's why I created something new... the next evolution of flexible dieting...
"The "flexible" part of this meal planning system is that it allows for the occasional indulgence of your favorite foods. You learn how to create meal plans that are not only effective at helping you reach your fat loss goal, but also enjoyable. You really can eat anything, just not in unlimited amounts. -Alan Johnson |
Introducing "Flexible Meal Planning"

This NEW approach isn't just about being flexible with your food choices. It's about designing a complete flexible meal plan for the whole day...
A flexible daily meal plan is like having a road map to guaranteed fat loss without restriction.
Flexible meal planning gives you the boundaries you need to make flexible eating work.
Let's be honest: There's one type of restriction that's non negotiable...
If you want to burn fat, you need a calorie deficit.
The great news is, you have more diet flexibility than you might think.
There's more than one way to get a calorie deficit. It's up to YOU:
- You don't have to listen to diet gurus with long lists of banned foods
- You don't have to cut carbs (unless you want to)
- You don't have to eat like a caveman.
- You don't have to cut out your favorite foods.
- You don't need rigid rules like no food in the a.m. or no food after 6 p.m.
You simply have to eat slightly less than you normally do, eat the healthy foods you like most of the time, and treat yourself some of the time, inside your calorie limits.
That's "the secret:" Fit your favorite foods into your calorie deficit and you will still lose fat.
When you use a flexible meal planning system, you also get to choose your foods and macro ratios.
You get to choose your meal frequency and meal times too.

And you can choose whether or not you want to use supplements. Some, like protein powder can be helpful. But none are required in a flexible meal plan. And beware... most supplements are scams.
So-called "fat burners" are worthless... a total rip off. Science proves they don't work. You don't need any pills, potions or other snake oil to burn fat.
You are being lied to and ripped off by crooked companies in a $38.6 billion dollar industry who don't give a protein fart about your health and well-being.
To supplement salesmen, you're just a blip on a sales chart.
"I enjoy that Tom doesn't shill the latest fads, supplements and other nonsense about the latest craze. It's just honest information with tried and true advice. The flexibility in Tom's methods, without the usual rigid, restrictive rules, makes it so much easier to follow. Tom's ideas make it easy to stick to your goals and still be sociable and have a meal with friends without feeling like you've messed up." -Abrie Greeff |
Get The Perfect Meal Plan That's Flexible And 100% Customized For You In This Ground-Breaking New Guidebook

Here's some good news...
There's no need to hire an expensive coach anymore, because meal plan "coaching" for fat loss now comes in the form of a book, and for a tiny fraction of the price.
First hitting the fitness scene in 2021, I've now released the new edition of the Burn the Fat Flexible Meal Planning System.
But the journey for me to discover this information started 35 years ago - that's how long I've been a fat loss coach and all-natural bodybuilder
In that time, I've personally helped thousands of men and women of all ages, and since 2002, hundreds of thousands of people in 154 countries have bought one of my "Burn the Fat" books.
My two earliest books were endorsed by Oprah and Men's Fitness magazine, and both were #1 Amazon best sellers. I've also written for Muscle and Fitness, Men's Fitness, Ironman, Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness magazine, plus dozens of websites online.
In addition, 59,902 people have Joined my Burn the Fat Inner Circle since 2006.
So, when it comes to fat loss and meal planning, I know what I'm talking about.
This newest book in my Burn the Fat series is the culmination of decades of work with real people all over the world, combined with the latest cutting-edge nutrition and psychology science.
In This Brand New Burn The Fat Guide To Flexible Meal Planning, Here's a Small Sample of What You'll Learn...
- The new method for setting your macros... there's now a more accurate way to set your protein, carb and fat grams and it's easier and more flexible than the old way
- How to customize your macros, and why it's not better to cut carbs, and you shouldn't, unless you like eating low carb
- Exactly how much to eat based on custom calculations... and a simple calorie shortcut that requires zero math
- The truth about meal frequency and timing, and why customizing your meal schedule can be the difference between success and failure
- The difference between meal planning and macro tracking... almost no one talks about this and most people don't even know there's a difference
- How to use an app or online software to create meal plans, and why it's not always mandatory to track food intake with an app every day
- The pros and cons of portion size and plating systems... and the best ways to make these non-counting skills work for you
- How to plan snacks... plus, why snacking causes some people to gain fat, while others eat snacks and keep getting leaner.
- The simplest system for choosing foods that takes all the confusion about "what to eat" out of the picture for good
- How to use the "paint-by-numbers" meal-building system and put your macros in the right range automatically, without even counting them
- How to adjust a meal plan to hit your macro goals close to the bullseye (if you want precision)
- The best food exchange system that gives you unlimited variety so you never get bored with what you eat
- The biggest meal planning mistake you must avoid at all costs
- How to shift away from macro-based meal plans and into intuitive eating, and what kind of people benefit the most from non-tracking approaches
- The keys to getting lean and staying lean without counting calories: 4 principles of intuitive eating, 6 tenets of mindful eating, and 6 guidelines of habit-based eating
You'll Also Get All These Valuable Bonuses
In The Meal Planning Guide Appendix
- BONUS! Appendix 1: Tom's Master Meal Plan: Learn the "Master Meal Plan" concept and also see an example exactly as it would appear in meal planning software
- BONUS! Appendix 2: The 7-Day Meal Plan: See Tom's entire weekly meal plan and discover the unique way it was created (it's not how you might think)
- BONUS! Appendix 3: Burn The Fat Food Guide And Exchange List: Use this list for choosing food and for learning the food exchange system so you can get unlimited variety in your meals.
- BONUS! Appendix 4: Burn the Fat Simple Meal Guide (Breakfasts) 27 breakfast ideas you can use while learning the meal builder formula at the same time
- BONUS! Appendix 5: The Burn The Fat Simple Meal Guide (Lunches and Dinners): 32 lunch and dinner ideas... Use this list for meal ideas and for learning the meal builder formula
- BONUS! Appendix 6: The Burn The Fat Snack Guide: Over 5 dozen snack ideas at a glance
And, The Biggest Update And Most Incredible Bonus
For This Edition...
- BONUS! Appendix 7: The 50 Best Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle recipes: You'll get Burn The Fat classics, plus brand new recipes I just developed and now enjoy weekly myself (previously only available to my Inner Circle members)... breakfasts, lunches, dinners, sides and salds, plus desserts, and most take only minutes to make... That means this new edition of the e-book is not only a meal planning guide, but also a fat-burning cookbook!
Here are some of the fat-burning, mouth-watering recipes you can try:
- The best sweet potato chocolate protein brownies in the world
- Molten lava chocolate mug cake
- Chocolate chocolate chip overnight oats
- Cheese, ham, and eggs breakfast sandwich
- Stacked BBQ shredded chicken sandwich
- Spicy cajun buffalo burgers
- High-Protein Mega-cheesy Pasta Casserole
- Bodybuilder meat and potoates stew
- Italian seasoned meatballs with zucchini
Here's the crazy thing... when you have the Flexible Meal Planning book at your fingertips, you could be eating what I call, "fat loss chocolate". Chocolate for dessert (like brownies, seen above), or even for breakfast! (mug cakes and overnight oats, also pictured above).
Most people believe that when they eat chocolate, it's only going to make them fatter. Not if you use the low-calorie, high-protein ingredients in these "Burn the Fat recipes."
You can eat steak and potatoes, or meatballs and still melt the fat off... if you have the right recipes and know how to fit them into your meal plans.
And you can even eat cheesey pasta (pictured above) and still burn away the fat. How? Because recipes like these can fit into your fat loss macros.
It's all part of the Guide to Flexible Meal Planning, and the special recipes you'll find in the book.
And remember, the ones you see above are just a small handful. There are 50 Burn the Fat recipes in the e-book, which means you won't get bored. (Don't forget to try the double banana oat protein cookies).
"Very in-depth and crystal clear guide to meal planning, and I’m also looking forward trying some of the recipes included in the back of book, especially the bodybuilder baked turkey meatballs and the sweet potato protein brownies!" -Alexander Heady |
This Will Work For Anyone Following a Balanced Macro Diet...
This meal planning system not only teaches you how to create meal plans that are customized and flexible, it also teaches you how to create balanced meal plans...
Extreme diets that cut out an entire macro or give you long lists of foods you can't eat may work in the short term, but usually in the long run with the benefit of hindsight, you see it was only a quick fix. Only a balanced diet that becomes part of your lifestyle will help you burn the fat and keep the fat off long term.
With this meal planning system, you can eat anything you want, and no matter what foods you prefer, this will work for you.
There are ideal ranges for macros, but the room you have to customize your macros is vast. If you prefer a little less carbs and a bit more fat and protein, this will work for you. If you prefer a little more protein and a little less carbs, this will work for you.
As long as you intend to keep a reasonable balance of macros, this will work for you. If you're looking for something like Keto, Carnivore, or any other diet that cuts out entire food groups, this is not the program for you.
"How Much Is It?"
Aside from the problems with most coaches I mentioned above, supposing you actually found a good one, they are expensive. That's one of the reasons I've put my flexible meal planning system into an ebook format with a low price:
I want to get this system into the hands of as many people as possible, so the regular retail price for the e-book is only $37.00. That's a fraction of what a good coach dietician would cost for a single session.
The same system that you'll be learning in the e-book will be the basis for a large, multi media and video course that will probably run for 5 times this price (still less than a coach would cost).
When the online course is launched, I'm not sure if we'll continue to offer this material in book form, or the book may only be available with the entire course. If you want to get this important material now at a low price, take advantage of this discount offer today.
In addition to the great low price, you also get a...
100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee!
Please feel welcome to go ahead and order now and then review this program for up to 60 days on our no-risk trial.
If you've tried the strategies and you find they don't work brilliantly for you, or if you're not satisfied with the program for any reason at all, you can have a prompt, courteous refund.
Simply e-mail me and I will refund every penny you invested, no questions asked.
Download It Instantly And Start Burning Fat Today
When you order now, you'll be receiving The Meal Planning program as a single e-book. The list of bonus items mentioned above are all inside the book in the appendix at the end so you don't have to fuss with 8 separate downloads.
The book is 160 pages, so it's not a long read, but it covers everything you need to know in detail.
The Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Guide To Meal Planning For Fat loss is not available in any bookstores and is published exclusively in a digital (PDF document) format. No physical products are shipped.
That means you can download it almost instantly right after you order, and start burning fat today.
If you're ready to ditch restrictive diets, enjoy eating freedom, and reach your fat loss goals, then click the yellow button below to get started.
Train hard and expect success!
Tom Venuto,
Author of The Guide To Flexible Meal Planning For Fat Loss

See What Readers Say
"Tom Venuto’s newest book, Flexible Meal Planning For Fat Loss, is a game changer! I have a strong knowledge base in nutrition and weight loss. I have tried pretty much every diet on the planet. I ate a low carb diet for years. That’s how I stayed thin, but not muscular and not strong. I started eating a better balanced, macro-based diet, and, voila, my body shape shifted into a lean, muscular physique. I packed on 10 pounds of muscle in four months. I developed a round, firm booty, which I never had, and a well-proportioned, build. My abs popped as fat melted off. This book teaches you how to do the same, whatever your goals. This book speaks to men, women, athletes, couch potatoes and anyone in between. You’ll never feel like you’re missing out eating a macro-based diet like this one. You can literally eat anything you want. You simply work it into your daily calorie and macro targets. After as little as a week or so or practice, you could already find eating this way feeling second nature, and you may not even have to count and track as much as you might in the beginning. Eating a sustainable diet is the key to consistent weight loss and following a macro based meal plan, you can still enjoy dinner and drinks out with friends. This is not about deprivation. If you follow these guidelines, you won’t feel deprived. Ever. If you’re looking to lose body fat, gain muscle or simply fuel your body with the exact amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fats it needs to function the best, then buy this book. If you want to look incredible naked, BUY THIS BOOK! You can thank me later. -Christina Martinez |
"Tom’s book makes the usual tedious meal planning process simple and convenient. It perfectly illustrates a complete and easy approach to make an adaptable, customizable nutrition plan. Even for those who have already read Tom Venuto’s previous book, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle (BFFM), this new e-book on flexible meal planning is a great addition with the newest approach to calculating protein and macros, and updated, scientific info on meal planning. It’ s a practical way to manage your food intake based on macros, while at the same time encouraging a relaxed attitude to enjoying food and showing how you can also learn to do it intuitively. Tom’s approach is for the individual and families alike to be flexible to suit your style of eating. Having used Tom’s methods to reduce my weight by 70 kilograms, I assure you that either or both books would be an asset for any home library. It’s not a read-it-once book, it’s a go-to reference manual designed to be used." -Steven Hyer |
"No thanks to all the noise in the fitness industry, I’ve been inundated with mixed messages about meal frequency, nutrient timing, macro tracking, and a host of other methods that may work for some, but never worked for me, at least not consistently. In the Guide to Flexible Meal Planning, it seems like Tom was talking directly to me as he went through each of the mistakes that the masses of dieters make (like logging food into an app but never actually meal planning). This book cut through all the noise and helped me, step-by-step, to create an actual meal plan for the first time! I now feel more confident that I can actually achieve my fat burning goals. Also, printing out the 1-2-3 food lists and simple meal guides and posting them on the fridge is not only helping me, it will help my family start to orient to these types of meals." -Adriann Ims |
"Tom, I read your original book, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle twice and loved it. I want to thank you for this new book in the Burn the Fat series about meal planning. With all the weight loss programs on the market, it’s confusing to know which program will work for you. Most promise that you’ll “lose weight quick with no effort,” but we all know the trendy diets aren’t sustainable for long, yet we still get caught up in them. A major message for me was that one size does not fit all. This new system for meal planning is so easy to customize for yourself personally. The formulas are science-based and individualized by height, weight, activity, gender and age. But more important, you choose a calorie deficit and macros that’s specific to your personal lifestyle and goals. The book gives many tips on how to plan proactively and how to track macros easily to set you up for success. And with step by step instructions, the plan is easy to implement." -Betty Pollock |
"If you’re tired of tapping into a diet app several times a day, this book is for you, because you can learn how to become proactive instead of reactive. You get to design your own eating plan, with clear guidance based on research and not fads. With a solid plan, you can save time, skip daily internal debates about what you should eat, and finally make progress on your fitness goals." -Erica S. Kane |
"In his latest eBook, "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Guide to Flexible Meal Planning for Fat Loss, Tom once again cuts to the heart of the latest research on nutrition for improving body composition and presents easy to follow steps so that even the 'meal-planning-phobic' can get started immediately. As a member of Tom’s Burn the Fat Inner Circle since 2016, I've learned how to fine tune meal planning by using the site's software. Admittedly, I fall into the category Tom refers to as a perfectionist planner. I'm very excited that I now have an approach that’s flexible AND easy so I can finally 'get out of my head' about macros and calories (use them to guide me, but not be preoccupied by them). The eBook also includes helpful advice about how to combine planning with intuitive and mindful eating. If you're looking for a "get to the point" meal guide to accomplish your health and fitness goals, look no further, this is it!" -Crista F. Benavidez |
"If there’s one phrase that sums up Master Mentor Tom Venuto’s new e-book, Flexible Meal Planning For Fat Loss, it’s this: ‘If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail’. Tom takes diet and exercise planning to the next level and cautions us that merely being ‘reactive’ pales in comparison to being ‘pro-active’. Using macro planning as his springboard, he lets us know - with plenty of scientific and anecdotal evidence - that even simply scheduling your eating and exercise times will jump start your body transformation. Each of our goals may be different, but the framework he describes is a perfect scaffolding for us to individualize and reach them. I have no doubt that anyone following Tom’s suggestions will not only transform their bodies, but their lives." -Lyn Deluca |
The Most Frequently Asked Questions
About The Flexible Meal Planning Guide
Q: Is there a hardcopy / print version?
A: There is no hardcopy. The Guide to Flexible Meal Planning For Fat Loss is available exclusively in digital ebook format, so it can be downloaded almost instantly, anywhere in the world with no shipping delay and no shipping costs. The ebook is provided in PDF format so it is 100% printable.
Q: Is this a new version of your earlier book Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle?
A: No. This is a new book first published in 2021. The second edition, which contains all the recipes, was published at the end of 2024. It's a great companion book to Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle but it stands alone as well - you don't have to read the author's original book to benefit from this new one.
Q: Does the program work as well for women as men?
A: Yes The Guide to Flexible Meal Planning For Fat Loss is fantastic for women. I not only offer my own meal plans as an example (I'm a man), the guidebook uses a woman as an example of setting calories and macros. The main difference is most men can eat more than women. Some women might eat fewer meals than men for that same reason. The rest of the meal planning process is the same.
Q: What if I don’t want to count calories, or weigh my food? Would it still work?
A: If your progress is stalled (you’re stuck at a fat loss plateau), then tracking, counting, and weighing food is your most sure-fire strategy to fix that. But tracking nutrition numbers and weighing food is not mandatory because there are non-counting strategies to help get your calories and macros close to your targets. They include habit-based eating, mindful eating, and instinctive eating. I teach all these methods in chapter 10 of the book. Make sure you read that chapter.
Q: Will this work for vegetarians?
A: The same meal planning process can work regardless of whether you eat meat or not. You get to choose your food sources. Vegetarians can still calculate calories and macros the same way as everyone else. However the book does not go into detail about food choices, protein sources and specific meal planning considerations for vegan eating so this may not be the right program for strict vegans.
Q: Will this work for someone doing a ketogenic low carb diet?
A: No, this is not keto compatible. By defintion, keto is not flexible. It's restrictive because it cuts out an entire food group. However, this system will absolutely work for low or moderate carb diets with around 30% to 40% carbs. There's a large range of macros you can work with and the book gives guidance on how to customize your macros.
Q: Will this work for muscle gaining meal planning?
A: The exact same steps in the meal planning system will in fact work for muscle gaining diets and people who want to gain muscle could benefit from reading this on many levels. However, in this book, I specifically discuss meal planning in the context of fat loss. All the examples including calorie and macro numbers are geared toward fat loss, so I recommend this book primarily for fat loss and fat loss maintenance.
Q: Can you confirm that there are no other charges or hidden costs beyond the $37.00?
A: In the book I mention that you're going to need a meal planning tool. Also in the book I recommend our Burn the Fat Meal Planner software which is available only to members at Burn the Fat Inner Circle. However, joining our Inner Circle is optional. There's nothing else you need to buy because there are so many mobile apps available for free that you can use as your meal planning tool.
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